This gorgeous girl is our unofficial test model for new ideas we want to try, so you might see her on here a lot. But we doubt there will be any complaints about that. She is fun, confident, and easy going. She is always up for photos and we laugh so much every time we get to hang out and photograph her. She definitely makes our jobs easy! and her images area always amazing!
A little love and advice from M:
If you have the opportunity to shoot with these two amazing ladies, I say jump at the chance! You will have a hard time finding photographers that rival not only their talent, but also their hearts. These ladies not only want you to look amazing, but feel amazing doing it. I have never felt ashamed of my body or who I am when I am with Priscilla and Shanda. They always make me feel comfortable and gorgeous no matter what kind of shoot we do. If the word “boudoir“ scares you like it did me, just take the leap of faith and set up an appointment! I would have a hard time trusting anyone else with such intimate photos after meeting these two!
If I could give any advice it would be this: let go of everything telling you how you should look, and embrace how you DO look. Because that is what is really beautiful.
Very well said, M! <3